The UK Government has announced that London will move from Tier 2 to Tier 3 COVID-19 restrictions from Wednesday 16 December.
We wanted to explain what this means for our community of students and staff staying in London.
On campus activities
The university remains open and students and staff can travel to and from our campuses, including over the winter break. Any remaining in-person and online teaching, clinical and placement activities will continue as timetabled.
For more information on what is available on campus during the winter break, including opening hours for libraries and Informal Learning Spaces, please visit Student Services Online.
Please do continue to adhere to measures on and off campus, including wearing a face covering (unless exempt), following safe distancing and regularly washing your hands.
Coronavirus testing
NHS Lateral Flow antigen tests are available at three testing sites on campus until 18 December – Bush House, the Quad at Guy’s and the WEC Gym at Denmark Hill – for staff and students who do not have Coronavirus symptoms. To book a free NHS Lateral Flow test and to find out more information, please see this webpage.
Please note these tests are not suitable for air travel. Students who live overseas and need to fly home, will need to check with their airline what their requirements are. In some cases a ‘fit to fly’ certificate is required which is available through private coronavirus tests. The university is able to help students flying home with the cost of getting a COVID-19 ‘fit to fly’ test.
Tier 3 restrictions
Under Tier 3, you must not meet socially indoors, in a private garden or at most outdoor public venues with anybody who you do not live with (or who you do not have a support bubble with). However, you can see friends and family you do not live with (or do not have a support bubble with) in some outdoor public places (e.g. parks, countryside accessible to the public, forests), in a group of up to 6. Government guidance also advises against travelling outside your area, other than where necessary, including for work and education. More information is available on the government website.
The move to Tier 3 restrictions does not alter the specific restrictions the government has put in place for the 23 to 27 December to allow people to spend time with their family over the holiday period. For details on this, please see the government website.
If you experience coronavirus symptoms, please follow the NHS advice to book a test and please fill out the King’s Self-Isolation form so we can support you. Please also be aware that the self-isolation period for close contacts has changed to 10 days.