Nature Index is one of the rankings of the publishing activity of scientists in the most prestigious global journals in the field of exact and natural sciences. In this year’s ranking, including the articles published from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, the University of Silesia in Katowice took the sixth place among research institutions in Poland (and fifth among the Polish universities). Thus, the University’s position is higher when compared to last year’s ranking, based on the publications from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019.
Nature Index provides knowledge about the scientific publications presenting the most up-to-date research results in the field of exact and natural sciences. The rankings cover not only the publication of results of top quality research conducted by scientists around the world, but also cooperation undertaken by academic staff at the regional, domestic and institutional level.
The ranking is based on the data collected from 82 most important scientific journals in the world, such as ‘Nature’, ‘Science’ and ‘Physical Review A’. It takes into consideration the number of articles published in selected journals prepared by scientists representing specific research institutions. For the purpose of the ranking, fractional count (FC) index was developed, which allows to include e.g. the number of institutions represented jointly by all co-authors of a particular article.
According to FC index, the University of Silesia was ranked sixth among Polish research centres thanks to the publishing activity of scientists associated with the University in the field of physical sciences, chemical sciences, earth sciences, environmental sciences and biological sciences.
List of publications in Nature Index which are co-authored by the scientists associated with the University of Silesia in Katowice (prepared by the Science and Research Department)
Nature Index also shared the list of ten Polish and ten foreign institutions that the scientists cooperated with when preparing their publications. Among non-Polish universities, the list includes research centres from Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Great Britain and China,
Detailed information about the Nature Index list is available on: www.natureindex.com. The ranking of the activity of scientists associated with Polish research centres has been published on www.natureindex.com, whereas the data concerning the University of Silesia in Katowice can be seen on www.natureindex.com.