There are many reasons why you should consider studying in Holland but ultimately the most important factors will be different for each and every one of you.
1. Wide range of English programmes
Dutch universities offer the largest number of English-taught programmes in continental Europe. More than 2,100 programmes are taught entirely in English. Also, 95% of the Dutch speak English, so it’s easy to communicate in daily life.
While you are unlikely to go to the Netherlands to study in the Dutch language, there are many advantages to learning an additional language. If you learn Dutch you are likely to find that your ability to find part time work as a student will increase. Upon graduation you will also be able to work in the local Dutch economy as well as in the multinational economy both there and back in the United Kingdom. In an age of economic uncertainty language ability is a useful insurance policy.

2.Good value for your money
The quality of Dutch higher education is well-recognised. The tuition fees and cost of living are considerably lower than in English-speaking countries. Also, there are lots of scholarship opportunities. The Dutch teaching style is interactive and student-centred. You will develop valuable skills such as analysing, solving practical problems and creative thinking.
3.Big international community
Holland’s many international students come from more than 160 different countries. Dutch society is diverse and inclusive. It is strongly connected to other cultures, the business community and the world. The Dutch are open-minded and direct, so it is easy to meet them and exchange ideas.
4.Great place to live
Holland is one of the safest countries in the world, according to the 2018 Global Peace index and belongs to the top 10 happiest countries in the world. Read more about the good Dutch standard of living in the OECD’s Better Life Index. Holland has a rich history with historic cities and the highest museum density in the world. Also, Holland is the gateway to Europe! In just three hours you can be in Paris. Londo n and Berlin are just a five or six hour train ride away.
5.Excellent career opportunities
Holland is the 18th largest economy in the world. Some of the world’s biggest multinationals, including Philips, Heineken, KLM, Shell, ING and Unilever, are Dutch. Holland is a world leader in many areas of expertise, including agriculture, water management, art & design, logistics and sustainable energy. The Dutch government wants to attract knowledge and retain talent. International graduates can therefore apply for an orientation year. This is a residence permit of one year to find a job, or start a business within three years of graduation. Join our Holland Alumni network to increase your chances on the job market.