HKBU School of Business has recently been reaccredited by AACSB for the maximum five-year term. The School has been accredited by AACSB since 2010. It is currently one of only 102 business schools worldwide, and the only one in Hong Kong, to hold the triple accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA.
AACSB stands for Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The full AACSB reaccreditation process evaluates the School against a range of rigorous quality assurance standards that demonstrates the School’s excellence and innovation in all areas.
The AACSB commends the School for embracing the whole-person education approach, together with strong linkages with the business and professional community. It also notes the School’s all-round internationalisation efforts that maximise the benefits to students and graduates.
Prof. Ed Snape, Dean of the HKBU School of Business, said, “The reaccreditation of another five years from AACSB acknowledges our commitment to nurturing global and visionary business leaders. We value the opportunity to benchmark against the highest international standard.”