The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), the Faculty of Social Sciences (SOSC) and the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) jointly showcased nine innovative technologies to highlight the research impact of the University at the InnoCarnival 2021, which was held by the Innovation and Technology Commission at the Hong Kong Science Park from 23 to 31 October.
HKBU’s exhibition carried the theme of “Embracing Health via HKBU Chinese Medicine & Social Sciences Research Impact”. KTO introduced the latest inventions of the University to the public, including new developments in bone and aptamer research, phytonutrient-based remedial fluid for the management of hypertrophic and keloidal scars, as well as skin whitening, anti-ageing and skincare products.
SOSC participated in the exhibition for the first time, and it showcased multiple research achievements, including “The Battle of Hong Kong 1941” historical geographical information system, the online cognitive behavioural therapy programme “EASE Online”, and the Jockey Club “MusFit Action” mobile app.
SCM displayed two new computer games on Taichi and Wuqinxi to promote health through exercise. The School also introduced health enhancement projects that aim to improve people’s body constitutions and health management with cloud computing, as well as the Jockey Club “Embrace Health” Chinese medicine programme.