TAS has snared a number of accolades at the 2021 Green Gown Awards.
The University of Tasmania has significantly bolstered its environmental credentials with multiple wins at the 2021 Green Gown Awards Australasia.
UTAS won the night’s major accolade – Sustainability Institution of the Year – as well as taking home the Student Engagement category.
The University was also Highly Commended in Climate Action.
At the individual level, Professor Fred Gale won the Award of Excellence for Staff.
University of Tasmania Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rufus Black, said: “Recognition through the Green Gown Awards Australasia for our collective efforts towards a holistic approach to sustainability at the University of Tasmania is a tremendous honour.
“Our ‘whole of institution’ approach supports and encourages all of our staff and students to not only participate in our sustainability efforts but shows them how their efforts are critical to creating a sustainable university.”
Corey Peterson, Associate Director Sustainability at the University of Tasmania, said: “Our University community has appreciated how the sustainability focus has brought so many areas together with a common purpose that inspires collaboration.
“Winning these awards raises the profile of the value and positive impact our collective efforts have.”
The Green Gown Awards Australasia are administered by Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS).