The University of Adelaide’s Business School has demonstrated its commitment to continual quality improvement by receiving re-accreditation to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), one of the world’s leading business education accreditation bodies.

Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics, Professor John Williams said achieving the accreditation was a huge achievement for the Adelaide Business School (ABS) and the University of Adelaide.
“The AACSB accreditation will allow our students to continue to experience studies at a globally leading business school in South Australia. I commend the efforts of all the people in our prestigious business school,” he said.
The University of Adelaide’s Professor Noel Lindsay is Dean of the Adelaide Business School and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Entrepreneurship.
“This accreditation demonstrates the commitment of the Adelaide Business School (ABS) to continual quality improvement and is a world-class endorsement of the exceptional quality of our staff and students,” he said.
“I’m incredibly proud of their significant efforts, dedication and commitment towards maintaining our status as one of the world’s top business schools.”
This latest re-accreditation means that the ABS occupies a unique position as the only business school in Australia with AACSB and ISO 9001 and ISO 44001 international quality accreditations.
Professor Lindsay said: “Our cutting-edge research explores the issues facing the future of businesses across the world and leads research into entrepreneurship.”
“This is also reflected in our teaching, which gives our students the skills and knowledge they need to not only become internationally aware business leaders but, also have a positive social responsibility mindset.”
Achieving accreditation was a rigorous process that involved engagement with an AACSB-assigned mentor and a peer-reviewed evaluation. The ABS focused on developing and implementing a plan to align with AACSB’s accreditation standards. These standards require excellence in areas relating to strategic management and innovation; student, faculty, and staff as active participants; learning and teaching; research; and academic and professional engagement.
About the AACSB
AACSB is an American non-profit association that connects educators, students, and business. It provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,850 member organisations and more than 950 accredited business schools worldwide.