Researchers bring conversation and cheer to CBD bars

Fill your glass and pull up a stool as 10 top researchers from The University of Western Australia transform Perth bars into learning spaces for this year’s Raising the Bar event on Tuesday 29 October.

The researchers will give free public talks at one of five CBD bars, detailing how they are tackling global, national and regional issues to make the world a better place.

Each venue will host two presentations, providing an opportunity to explore a variety of topics in a relaxed and social setting.

Speakers, venues and topics include:

Dr Heather Bray, Market Grounds, 5.30pm
” … served with a side of science”: What future food technologies would you want on your plate?
Increasingly food producers are being asked to account for or reduce their impact on the environment, and several technologies offer solutions to this challenge, but should you eat it?
Dr Cele Richardson, Market Grounds, 7pm    
Can young people sleep their way to better mental health?
Unpacking the relationship between sleep and mental health in young people, and how sleep treatments may represent an exciting new avenue for mental health problems.

Dr Tracy Redhead, The Shoe, 5.30pm
Music and AI – Competitor, Collaborator or Copycat
In an era of heated debate over AI’s impact, Dr Redhead explores her experience working on projects that fuse AI with music, within the broader context of the music industry’s evolution.
Associate Professor Karen Wallman, The Shoe, 7pm
The impact of heat on human performance: from mine sites to marathons to surgical theatres    
Prolonged exposure to heat can have detrimental effects on mental performance as well as physical ability. Find out what measures can be undertaken to reduce its impact.
Professor Mayowa Babalola, The Globe, 5.30pm    
The Ethics-Family-AI Tango: Leading Tomorrow’s Workplace
Learn how leaders orchestrate the delicate balance between people and profit, as well as work and family life, setting the rhythm for workplace cultures and employee wellbeing.       

Anna Faber, The Globe, 7pm    
Can marine bacteria become superheroes in the fight against plastic pollution?
Find out how synthetic biology turns marine bacteria into the superheroes we need in the fight again plastic pollution.
Associate Professor Paul Maginn, Universal Bar, 5.30pm    
(Sub)Urban Dreams/Nightmares? Blandscapes, Blendscapes, Brutalscapes; and Brutopianscapes
Perth is a (sub)urban city characterised by a high-density urban core and low-density housing in the middle and outer rings. But things are changing rapidly, and is it for better or worse?
Dr Jess Kolbusz, Universal Bar, 7pm    
Remaining chilled under pressure: insights from a deep-sea oceanographer
Discover why the unseen movement of the deepest waters in our oceans is an important component of the interconnectedness of our atmosphere and oceans.    

Associate Professor Nicki Mitchell, The Stables, 5.30pm    
Pushing the boundaries: how far should we go to prevent extinction of species? 
A critically endangered freshwater tortoise has been introduced outside its indigenous range. Hear about the early results of world-first trials which aim to reduce the threat of extinction.    

Professor Danail Obreschkow, The Stables, 7pm    
Black holes: what are they and how are they created?
Join UWA’s Space Director and astrophysicist for a journey through the discoveries and mysteries surrounding one of the most enigmatic phenomena in the Universe.