One of the world’s top journalism bodies, the US Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) has voted unanimously to re-accredit the journalism programme at Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa Massey University.

Massey’s Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) remains the only journalism programme in Australasia, and one of only three outside the United States of America, to have this accreditation.
Head of the School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing Te Poū Aro Kōrero, Professor Stephen Croucher says the rigorous self-examination and peer-review further proves what is well-known in the School – that Massey has an exceptional journalism programme in the Bachelor of Communication.
“Our School has not only the oldest but the best Journalism programme in Aotearoa New Zealand. For years we have produced top-notch graduates. This re-accreditation is further proof of the hard work of our staff and students.
“I want to thank everyone involved in this process for their help in preparing the re-accreditation review and supporting the endeavour as a whole. I want to give particular thanks to Associate Professor James Hollings, Dr Bernard Whelan, Dr Niki Murray and Alyth Begg who worked diligently on the paperwork and planning of the visit by ACEJMC representatives,” Professor Croucher adds.
Associate Professor James Hollings, Journalism Programme Leader, says it’s tough to get the accreditation.
“Some top universities in the United States have had their applications for renewal rejected this year, so we’re very proud that our programme stacks up with the best US programmes. It’s a tribute to the generations of journalism teachers at Massey who have helped build and maintain the culture of quality we have here.
“We’re also very grateful to the outstanding New Zealand journalists who come and speak to our students, and the newsrooms full of dedicated journalists who take on our students – that’s all part of what makes our programme special.”
Senior Tutor Dr Bernard Whelan has seen hundreds of students graduate from the journalism programme over the years. He says Massey graduates are exposed to different ways of thinking about and practising journalism. However, something which has not changed over the years is an attention to the fundamentals of the profession and craft at the oldest continuously operating journalism school in Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Good journalism is in demand. People seek out and rely on organisations they can trust to provide good journalism. At the heart of those organisations are the journalists and Massey graduates can be found in newsrooms throughout the country and the world.”