AACSB: Global Accreditation Conference
One of AACSB’s largest conferences, the Global Accreditation Conference addresses important issues affecting business schools, such as technology, faculty models, research impact, globalization, and accountability, in the context of accreditation and through a contemporary lens.
Rising infections: how is the University responding?
The infection rate is rising again in the Netherlands, which means it may also be rising among Leiden University’s students and staff.
New high-speed test shows how antibiotics combine to kill bacteria
Researchers at Uppsala University have developed a new method to determine – rapidly, easily and cheaply – how effective two antibiotics combined can be in stopping bacterial growth.
Supporting vulnerable students during disasters
The preliminary results from a NSW Government-funded world-leading trial of medicinal cannabis, sponsored by the University of Sydney
The genetics of blood: a global perspective
What’s the risk of different human populations to develop a disease? To find out, a team led by Université de Montréal...
Covid-19 research receives 8.4 million francs in national funding
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supports fifteen Bernese Covid-19 research projects totalling 8.4 million Swiss francs.
Improving the efficacy of cellular therapies
Researchers have gained a better understanding of the complexity of the environment in which T cells thrive and, by extension...
Université de Montréal among the top 75 universities in the world
In its 2021 global ranking, Times Higher Education has placed Université de Montréal 73rd in the world.
Record confirmed: UC home to nearly 47,000 students
The University of Cincinnati blew past its own enrollment projections this week as the official headcount landed at 46,798 students for fall semester.
Experimental vaccine that boosts antigen production shows promise against COVID-19
A bioengineering technique to boost production of specific proteins could be the basis of an effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19