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Tag: Australia Education News
University study finds economic window for native grains production
At the start of NAIDOC Week 2020, Dr Angela Pattison and colleagues have launched the first report from a feasibility study into using native grass grains as a modern...
Quality teaching spurs jump in Times subject rankings
The University of Sydney has improved or maintained its performance in ten out of the eleven subjects ranked in the latest Times Higher Education subject rankings.
PM’s Science Prize 2020 Winner: Professor Peter Veitch
University of Adelaide’s Professor Peter Veitch is among four scientists who together have been awarded the country’s most prestigious award in scientific research...
TOP 100 World Rankings for University of Adelaide
The University of Adelaide has scored top 100 world university rankings in Engineering and Computer Science – two fields critical to South Australia’s economic future.
University strong performer in US News rankings
University continues strong performance in prestigious American rankings which rank universities from 86 countries on academic research and reputation.
Bushfires and COVID take their toll on new mums and babies
Almost seven-in-10 pregnant women and new mothers (65 per cent) in the ACT and southeast New South Wales say they were severely exposed to bushfire smoke in our recent summer.
Outstanding scientists inducted into Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science
A researcher developing ways to prevent blindness and a scientist looking at the relationship between tumours and cells to...
University of Adelaide Year 11 Pathway Extended for 2020 Intake
Year 12 students in South Australia and some interstate will have the option of using their Year 11 results to gain entry to the University of Adelaide for study in 2022.
Monash discoveries suggest new breast cancer treatment
Findings by Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) researchers have pointed to a new combination of treatments that may help breast cancer patients with certain gene mutations.
UWA chemist wins national award
A molecular scientist and chemist from The University of Western Australia who is working to discover new ways to convert heat into energy has been awarded the 2020 HG Smith Memorial Award.