Monash University and Thermo Fisher Scientific strengthen strategic collaboration
Marking an exciting new chapter in a long-standing relationship, Monash University has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Thermo Fisher Scientific...
Four economic scenarios for the rest of the decade
There are four economic scenarios for the rest of the decade: I’ve reluctantly picked one, writes Professor Percy Allen from the UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance.
UTS Business School recognised in FT’s Responsible Business Awards
UTS Business School has been recognised in The Financial Times’ Responsible Business Education Awards 2024, acknowledging the School’s global impact and commitment to public good across its teaching and learning, research and operations.
Retail survey confirms consumers are changing spending habits and can justify deviant behaviours
The latest Cost of Living and Consumer Deviance Spotlight report, from Monash Business School’s Australian Consumer and Retail Studies (ACRC) group, provides shocking context to the cost-of-living crisis experienced by consumers.
UWA Business School remains one of Australia’s leading business institutions
The University of Western Australia’s Business School has been placed in Australia’s top five in the AFR BOSS Best Business Schools ranking for 2023.
How do pay cuts and layoffs affect morale and productivity?
Experimental economist Ananish Chaudhuri says that contrary to what you might think, cutting pay won’t reduce worker productivity.
Is the Productivity Commission beyond repair?
Chris Barrett has a formidable job ahead as the new Productivity Commission chief, writes UTS Emeritus Professor Roy Green.
The burgeoning business of bots
As artificial intelligence replaces and augments roles within the workplace, researchers are exploring effective ways to present collaborations between humans and chatbots.
K-pop and the consumption of culture
How are fans of Korean pop culture managing tensions between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation apparent within the K-pop empire? A recent study investigates.
iAccelerate launches scholarship drive to help women in business thrive
Do you have a business idea but are not sure how to get it off the ground? Are you working to help your community and would benefit from the tools and knowledge to have a greater impact?